Fri, May 05
|Coral Springs

Time & Location
May 05, 2023, 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Coral Springs, 7420 Wiles Rd, Coral Springs, FL 33067, USA
About The Event
There is a being that is very little known or disclosed in modern spiritual currents and that is called the Angel Xolhar; This being is the first light with which the human being descended to this creation or planet. Many times they are mentioned as beings of light that formed the first root races of this planet. Currently in modern science it is mentioned in the unfolding of time by the French astrophysicist Jean Pierre Garnier Mallet.
These beings form the central part of all the original cultures and beliefs of humanity. They are called in the Andean Cosmovision as the Chashka (the one who comes from the stars), in the Mexhica-Maya as the Nagual (the Wise One), in the Hawaiian as the Aumakua (Guiding Energy), in the North American as Totem (Family or clan Protective Energy), in Egypt the Shemsu Hor (demigods), in China and Mongolia as Tengri (The gods of heaven), etc. The same as their radiant or electromagnetic form always had an anthropomorphic form (half men and half animals).
In these times of closure of the cycle according to many philosophies and beliefs (Apocalypse-Christianity, Time of the Kachina-Hopi, Closing of the Long Count-Maya) every human being can access that internal light, since it dwells inside in his Heart, and it is yourself. We have taken shape in these times to recognize ourselves as beings of Light that have come from the stars since time immemorial.
This experience is accessible to everyone through ancestral trances and ecstatic experiences developed by the Peruvian Amauta Lobo Blanco Wayna Pacha. Such experiences are coupled with powerful Ancestral ceremonies and rituals that change the realities of the initiated person in a definitive way.
Through these experiences, one returns to being the Being of Light that he always was from many lives before, without depending on anyone or anything; freeing you from false beliefs and dependencies. One returns to his original state of purity and happiness. there one
find your being of Original Light, Chashka or Nagual. He enters states of the Unfolding of Time, changing his destiny, and reaches states of Blessing.
In this process, Lobo Blanco Wayna Pacha develops the Atipaykay, which are a series of Ancestral techniques of the Ancient Inca priests or Sonqoqoyoq or the Givers of the Heart.
They are processes where neither the third eye nor the mental screen is used; no master plants.
Donation $ 35.00
White Wolf, Peruvian Ancestral Master, originally from Arequipa, and with more than thirty years of experience in the spiritual path, became Wayna Pacha (The Young Earth) by a vision of the Pachamama (Mother Earth)
As a consequence of this spiritual journey that lasted a year he was initiated by Chaska Kuna(The Sacred Animal Circle) and Pachamama with the new name of “White Wolf Wayna Pacha”.
During this time his Ancestral past was unveiled, activating his cellular codes as well as his access to parallel realities or states of dreaming or "Puñuq".
The Apus (Spirit of the Mountains) and the Pachamama entrusted him with the spreading, teaching and initiation of the Mosoq Karpay or the Great Initiation expected by the Qeros People and other Andean People.
He is considered the "Qamaska" or teacher by his own path within the Quechua tradition, by obtaining degrees of enlightenment through personal processes of death (seven times) and by being retreated for almost a year.
During this period of time he became an Andean priest or Sonqoqoyoq, and traveled around the world spreading the language of the Heart or "Sonqorimay"-
As initiator or "Teqsiq" he gives the spiritual key to each one. He wants each person to become his or her own master, with complete independence on any philosophy, religion, creed or teacher.
By inspiration he teaches the connection with the “Nagual” (according to the Mayan Ancestors) or "Chashka" (according to the Old Inca People) for these liberation processes.
The Nagual is the Love Animal and also Power Animal, who lives within the human being, as an electromagnetic power into the heart. In its most advanced stage he (Lobo Blanco) teaches the living connection with the Immortal Essences or Grandparents as the Fire, the Water and the Wind. The Fathers-Mothers Sun, Earth, Moon and the natural world that surrounds us like the Apus, Orqos and Qochas (mountains, seas and lakes) as well as the Kawsay or energy lines of the different Universes.
He also spreads the Andean teaching in its most advanced phase (of the Nagual or Chashka) called Mosoq Karpay Thikay or the Multidimensionality of the Nagual.
On his way to become a Qamaska, he had different mentors as Don Víctor (Sacred Huachuma Plant); Waynillo and Vicuña Chaki (Offerings and Ceremonies) and Qenqo Jarawi (Yachay or Wisdom Teachings).
Initially he started working with the White Brotherhood of Earth and Space and traveled to India for spiritual reasons several times. Then he followed his own path of the Sonqoqoyoq, which brought him to his present pilgrimage of the Heart ....
He is the creator of the Qamaska social network page: www.cusihuasi.ning.com
With more of 16000 followers.
And the blog:
Pages on Facebook (Spanish)
· Lobo Blanco Wayna Pacha-El Nagual
· Cusi Huasi. La Casa de la Alegría y el Conocimiento Ancestral
· Qamaska
Groups on Facebook (Spanish)
· Cusi Huasi-La Casa de la Alegría y el Conocimiento Ancestral
· Lobo Blanco Y Cusi Huasi. Arequipa
· Lobo Blanco Wayna Pacha-el Nagual
· Lobo Blanco Wayna Pacha-Pachamama
· Lobo Blanco Wayna Pacha-Jallpamama
FILMS: "Qamaska" on Vimeo.
VIDEOS: More than 42 videos on Youtube (Spanish)
English /French videos (6)
He has published 5 books (Spanish):
-El Tren a Machupichu-The Train to Macchupicchu (Autobiographical and teaching)
-Mi Nagual ... Tu Chashka ... Tu Aumakuan (Meeting the Nagual)
-Teqsiq ... (the Dreamings Initiator)
-Yanayanapaq Atipaykay " (The Healing Chaman)
-Mosoq Karpay (The path of Sonqoqoyoq.)
$35.00Sale ended